Monday, February 7, 2022

Just In Time For Valentine's Day :-)

Do you need a lovely little book that reminds you what Valentine's Day is all about? Then look no further. For only 99 cents you can spread the love and Valentine hearts. 

Check out: Valentine Shorts: Flash Fiction. You won't regret it.

Valentine Flash Fiction, what could be more fun? The challenge: capture a mood, a memory, a romantic encounter, using exactly 100 words. Stories like Unmasked and Never Stop Asking will touch your heart while others like Glory Days, Puppy Love and Swipe Right will make you smile. Enjoy stories by: James J. Cudney, Jeff Homberger, Julie Morrall, Didi Oviatt, Kaitlyn Sutey and Barbara Venkataraman. This short book will lift your spirits and brighten your day, any day of the year.


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Black History Month Reading


In honor of Black History Month I'm offering free audio-book download codes for my book "Accidental Activist: Justice for the Groveland Four," a memoir I co-authored with my son Josh about his journey for justice for The Groveland Four. 

The description of the book is below. Please reply in the comment section if you would like a download code. 


Discover the incredible four-year quest for justice for The Groveland Four, and learn how to pursue your own causes, whatever they may be.

Accidental Activist is a primer for positive action, and a journey through Florida's past as well as its future. Some of the things you will learn by reading this book:

·         Everything takes more time than you think

·         Nothing ever goes according to plan

·         Help can come from unexpected places

·         Time is on your side

·         Everyone is connected

·         You can reach your tipping point for success and not even realize it

·         Your goals can change along the way

·         Flexibility is key

Let's get started, shall we?

Amazon link: